Drug Crimes

Concord Drug Crimes Attorneys

Cabarrus County Lawyers Ready To Fight Your Charges

Drug charges are serious. Whether you are facing a felony or misdemeanor charge in North Carolina, your first step needs to be shielding yourself from the harsh penalties that can result from a conviction. At Brannen Law PLLC, we are skilled negotiators and accomplished trial lawyers. As your advocate, our Concord drug crime attorneys will work with the prosecutor’s office to get your charges reduced or dismissed altogether. If a plea compromise cannot be reached, we are confident in our ability to defend you in court.

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Drug Charges In North Carolina

No matter what kind of drug charge you are facing, you need to begin taking defensive measures to ensure you are not caught in a lengthy legal battle. Even if you are found to be innocent of any wrongdoing, spending weeks or months in court can jeopardize your ability to find work, housing, and loan opportunities in the meantime. If you are convicted, even a common possession charge can put you at risk of fines, jail time, and probation.

The severity of the charges is based on the drug or controlled substance in question. Marijuana is a Schedule VI controlled substance, which is considered less dangerous than fentanyl, a Schedule I controlled substance. However, a minor marijuana possession charge can still result in 1 to 20 days of community punishment.

We Have Extensive Experience Defending Clients Charged With Offenses Such As:

  • Drug possession
  • Possession with intent to distribute
  • Drug manufacturing or cultivation
  • Possession of drug paraphernalia
  • Maintaining a dwelling for the purposes of keeping or selling drugs
  • Drug trafficking
  • Drug trafficker with handcuffs

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Drug Trafficking Charges

Drug trafficking is a term used to describe various types of drug-related felony charges, most including large quantities of illicit substances that cross state or national boundaries. These cases may involve illegally manufacturing, cultivating, distributing, and selling drugs. Trafficking charges can range in type and severity, depending on the specific type and quantity of the drug, as well as other factors.

Regardless of the individual details of your case, drug trafficking is serious. If convicted, you could face significant time behind bars, forfeiture of your personal assets, and other criminal penalties. A conviction could change the course of your life, but complex cases do not intimidate us. Our criminal defense lawyers know what is at stake, and we can fight to minimize the impact that these charges will have on your future. Our goal is to preserve your interests, defend your rights and keep a drug trafficking charge off your criminal record.

Call Us To Learn About Your Options

The sooner you call our firm, the better chance you will have of obtaining a favorable outcome. In many cases, simply requesting evidence can make all the difference in casting doubt on the narratives put forward by your prosecutors. For example, some criminal cases are based on illustrating that someone had a large amount of drugs in their possession when they were arrested. Upon close examination, however, we may find that law enforcement’s claims were exaggerated.

You do not have to fight your criminal charges alone. Our firm brings nearly two decades of experience to each case we take. We know how important it is that you have a chance to tell your side of the story and get the best chance at a favorable outcome. Put an advocate on your side as soon as possible by contacting Brannen Law PLLC.

Work with Brannen Law PLLC

Four Reasons to Choose Our Firm

  • Glowing Reputation & Excellent Track Records
  • True Advocates Who Aren't Afraid to Go to Trial
  • Honest, Knowledgeable Legal Representation
  • Nearly 20+ Years of Combined Experience
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